FEBRUARY 14, 2008


7:00 P.M.  Called meeting to order.  Present:  Richard Gorden, Ellen Abelson

                  and Mark Mazur.


  1. The Board took the following actions on fiscal year 2008 applications for exemption for the owners of the following properties:


Parcel #40-25              Cl. 41C            Granted

Parcel #103-43            Cl. 41C            Granted

Parcel #51-24              Cl. 41C            Granted

Parcel #51-24              Cl. 41C            Granted

Parcel #122-16-21       Cl. 41C            Granted

Parcel #69-176            Cl. 17D            Granted

Parcel #70-140            Cl. 17D            denied

Parcel #52-16              Cl. 18               Granted


  1. The Board re-reviewed several fiscal year 2008 abatement applications that

were previously denied.  The Board granted fiscal year 2008 abatements to

the owners of the following parcels:


                        Parcel 126-35-4

                        Parcel 18-13

Note that these abatements represent the second action taken on these applications

for abatement.


  1. The Board read a notice of withdrawal for the fiscal year 2007 Appellate Tax

Board (ATB) appeal for the owner of parcel 86-16.  The Board then granted a fiscal year 2007 abatement in settlement of the fiscal year 2007 ATB case for

parcel 86-16.


  1. The Board discussed the request by a taxpayer for a meeting to discuss their

abatement application.  The Board decided to offer to meet with him on

March 13th or 27th.


  1. The Board approved an abatement of an uncollectible motor vehicle excise.


8:05 P.M.  Adjourned